Discipline and Education
Learning to play the guitar has its own specific methodology, which means that this process will introduce various interesting algorithms that contribute to the creative development of the potential musician.
Upbringing is a complex process, regardless of who and whom is bringing up: the parent of his child or the teacher of his students. The process of upbringing consists of rewards and punishments, through which the pupil understands good or bad, then analyzes his act and at the end does the right thing. But not everyone is able to understand what can be done in the upbringing and what not.
When a child does everything right, the number of reprimands decreases, and encouragement increases. This is the way any scientific or practical discipline is comprehended.

It is very important to learn to play a musical instrument under the guidance of a teacher. This way the student not only learns new material, but also practices the skills he or she has already learned. The teacher closely monitors the success of the student, corrects mistakes, encourages for good work.
If you are learning to play the guitar on your own, you are not disciplined, unless it is the guitar itself. Thus, a lot of responsibility falls on you: you have to discover mistakes on your own, analyze and correct them. With time mistakes will become fewer and fewer, you will correct them and pay attention to the way you play. Your attitude toward the lessons themselves will change significantly; you will want to learn to play better. This way you will become a professional without even noticing it.
Learn to play the guitar yourself will not work only if you do not want to do this. For example, parents force their child to take guitar lessons. In this case, a child will do everything grudgingly, he will have no motivation, and therefore the result will be almost imperceptible.